Comparison of Davis Vantage Vue vs Davis Vantage Pro2

Davis stations are high quality weather stations designed for both commercial and home use.  They are generally regarded as best in class and come in two main models the Davis Vantage Vue:

Davis Vantage Vue

and the Davis Vantage Pro2:

Genuine Davis Australia products are made in the USA and calibrated specifically for the Australian market and to meet local radio frequency regulations.

The main distinctions between the Vue and Pro2 are that the Pro2 sensors can be mounted separately from each other and the Pro2 also accepts additional sensors such as light, UV, soil temperature, soil moisture, leaf wetness etc.  The Vue is an all in one sensor suite and cannot accept additional sensors.  It can sometimes be beneficial to locate the wind and rain sensors separately (see our free ebook Trouble-Free Wireless Weather Station Setup and Maintenance) which is where the Davis Pro2 has an advantage.  The Davis Vantage Pro2 is popular for farming/growing applications given its ability to accept additional sensors.